The Anatomy of a Movie Poster: Audition

“There is nothing new under the sun”—when they wrote this in the Bible, I’m sure they weren’t thinking of graphic designers, but that’s definitely a profession it could apply to. Every new idea has some sort of precedent or echo from the past. Nothing in design is ever really original or new.

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Finding the invisible in movie posters — part 2

Dynamic symmetry is a proportioning principle which can we used to achieve eye-pleasing compositions by aligning elements to a special kind of grid. Examples of this found in literature were always on some old piece of art. Naturally, I had to apply it to movie posters. After my introductory post, here’s nine new examples of great movie poster designs, compared to the dynamic symmetry grid.

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Finding the invisible in movie posters

Grids are hard to avoid in design. Although some people nowadays offer advice on breaking (or forgetting) the grid, it’s been a useful tool for a long, long time. And not only in design—art, architecture and handwritten manuscripts have relied on grid to provide structure even in Ancient Greece. This article gives a short intro to dynamic symmetry and explores some examples using movie posters…

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The Story of Albanian Movie Posters

Until a few weeks ago, I've never seen an Albanian movie poster. That, luckily, changed after a small exhibition in Zagreb, a part of the Film Mutation Festival. Those eight hand-drawn posters on the movie theater's lobby wall made quite an impression on me and I immediately felt what I saw must be the tip of an iceberg, one I was anxious to explore. The only problem was—Google knew next to nothing about Albanian movie posters.

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A look into movie posters of Alex Ross Perry

Having a bigger-than-average interest in movie posters means that every time I watch a movie (either at home or in cinema), I’m aware of its poster.Like with record sleeves, good movie artwork seems like an important element of the watching experience. While a great poster can make my overall experience of the movie better, a great movie  with a lousy poster makes me sad for the missed opportunity (and sometimes I’ll even go and design a fan poster for it). 

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